Urban AbbeyChildren's SheetThe HorariumThe Sunday SermonOrdinary 6
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Feeding the PoorOn Tuesdays and Fridays we offer a hot meal to over 80 local people in one of our Church Halls. We work together with the volunteers of CIRDIC (Churches Together in Reading Drop-in Centre). Like to volunteer? Just ask!
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Old Wine ClubA university student or young adult? Interested in good companionship, a nice meal and seriously deep discussion about important stuff? This is definitely for you.
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Some Recent Sermons at S Giles-in-Reading
Ordinary 5
Candlemas (The Presentation)
Ordinary 3
The Lord's Baptism
The Lord's Epiphany
Holy Family
Christmas Day
Advent Four
Advent Three
Advent Two
Advent One
Feast of Christ the King
31st Sunday in OT
28th Sunday in OT
27th Sunday in OT
Feast of Dedication
25th Sunday in OT
24th Sunday in OT
23rd Sunday in OT
S Giles' Day (1 Sept) - Patronal Festival
21st Sunday in OT
20th Sunday in OT
17th Sunday in OT
14th Sunday in OT
11th Sunday in OT
Corpus Christi
Trinity Sunday
The Day of Pentecost
5th Sunday of Easter
4th Sunday of Easter
3rd Sunday of Easter
Palm Sunday
Wedding of Richard and Lizzie
The final "hour" of Christian prayer is Compline. The word comes to us from the Old French, complie, to complete or finish. Christian prayer sees sleep as a "little death" as it brings the day (a little life) to an end; Compline is a sort of little "Viaticum" or "food for the journey." We meet online daily at 9pm, and we finish with a poem.