Purgatory, Canto 26SummaryAS the three Poets are climbing the Sixth Stair, Dante asks a question about the apparent bodies of the Shades. Statius, in a long Discourse, expounds the nature of the Rational Soul, and its connexion with the material body before, and the aery body after, death. They now alt emerge upon the Seventh Cornice, where the souls of the Lustful are purged by fire.
The Prepatory LectureQuestions for Reflection
Purgatory, Canto 26 © Jan Hearn
The ImagesThe Embrace: As with the fire, so with the exchanged embrace: the image of the sin is also the image and means of the remedy. More clearly here than on any other Cornice, we are shown what Virgil has already told us — that love is the root of virtue and vice alike: the purging fires burn off the dross, and the good that remains is the good that lay always at the heart of the sin. The swift exchange of kisses, reflected in the speed of the verse, contrasts with the exchanged kiss of Paolo and Francesca — the heedless dallying with temptation, and the relaxed abandonment to indulgence: “we read no more that day”. Between these two kisses, damnation and salvation swing balanced.
Mark Vernon's Lecture |